The fact is, of course said Mr Patterson, they can't all be good at everything!
We all have our own gifts and are good at something too. Be glad of the things you're good at; be thankful for the things you can do well but remember Jesus....
Amazed beyond measure, (people) kept on saying, "He does everything well!" (Mark 7:37)
Thankfully, he said, not everyone in our world has lost sensitivity to those who are weaker and continue to reach out to people who are in need.
Can gentleness survive in the face of toughness? Will the gentle achieve anything?
Jesus' way was the way of gentleness:
- He became a child
- He took the form of a servant who humbled himself
- He touched the leper
- He took the children up in his arms
- He refused to apportion blame, even from the cross
- He lived without bitterness
- He made no attempt to control people
Gentleness was one of His key features.
That's not to say that Jesus couldn't be firm. He overturned tables in the synagogue and spoke firmly to the Pharisees, but not to defend himself - rather to defend the poor and weak when being exploited.
We shouldn't think, Mr Patterson moving to the pivotal point of this sermon, that gentleness was any easier for Jesus - he was after all the Son of God - than for us. He has a plan for each of us and is ready and able to give us the strength, help and assistance we need in the face of temptation and daily life at home and at work.
The spirit of gentleness will work in us and for us if we follow Him and His example.