Can we see air? Can we see electrons in the electricity wire that powers so much of what we take for granted in our homes and factories? Can we see the electo-magnetic waves above our heads that provide the mobile communications that we all rely so much on?
We can't see so many things in our world and yet, they are real.
Joy, sadness, heartache, love, the bonds that bind people - all things that can't be seen yet they too are real. We can feel them and know that they are authentic, and have a lasting effect.
So there are things that we can't see and yet are definitely real and that endure.
At the same time there are things that look permanent - our coastline, mountains, the cars we drive, the clothes we wear, and our physical bodies - that yet, are in the process of changing and, in fact are in the process of decay.
Paul reminds us that there is faith, hope and love - things we can't see but that are most real and last forever.
Paul said, We do not look at the things that can be seen. We look at the things that cannot be seen. The things that can be seen will come to an end. But the things that cannot be seen will last forever.
2 Corinthians 4: 18