As we join together tonight on our Holy Week journey towards the cross and resurrection of Christ, we have just two readings from Khalil Gibran's book "Jesus the Son of Man". On Maundy Thursday it is traditional in many Churches to reflect on the readings on the upper room, Jesus washing his disciples feet, and the Last Supper. In our second reading tonight, Khalil Gibran, in his own unique way, invites us into the upper room with Jesus. The first reading invites us to see Jesus from the perspective of Annas the High Priest.
Just to remind you that tomorrow at 12:00 there will be a short Good Friday service posted here on the website. It will be an opportunity to pause in the middle of the day to remember Jesus at the hour of his crucifixion.
Tomorrow evening I will also post a few more readings from Khalil Gibran's book "Jesus the Son of Man" that pick up the theme of Jesus death from the perspectives of Barabbas and Judas and one or two others.
Many blessings