That means many things but among others:
- the summer is officially half way through :(
- students and their parents begin to nervously look forward to ‘A’ Level results!
You try to put it out of your head but as the month progresses there’s no escaping well meaning friends and, “…not be long now!”
For most, of course, the day will bring the good news that sufficient grades have been achieved to ensure a place at university. Many others will successfully enter and leave the “Clearing House”.
And that’s that! Fourteen years of school are behind and you look forward to Freshers’ Week
It’s an important time in life. You are “flying the nest”. At eighteen you officially become an adult and take responsibility for your own direction. Bring it on!
No doubt you’ll be making a list of all the things you have to do; things you have to find out; items you have to acquire and pack for university life.
I would suggest that your list should include spending a little quality time with your parents and friends. After all, you couldn’t have done it without them. They’ve been there at every step; helped you at every hurdle; supported you as you prepared for every exam; celebrated every success; paid for….well pretty most everything!
God values honouring our parents enough to include it in the Ten Commandments. It means to have love, appreciation, affection towards them. Honour is something that begins internally, and then it manifests itself externally. As you have honour in your heart, it comes out in your words and actions.
I know I’m a wee bit biased, but I think your parents would really appreciate you suggesting a Portrait Session to mark your “coming of age” – they’ll even pay for it!
An important time in your life is marked. You honour your father and mother. Your parents have a beautiful portrait to comfort them when you….fly the nest!