As some of you may be aware Thursday was Ascension Day
Today I would like to explore the ascension story in Acts 1:1-11 and to uncover how that story might offer valuable insights and inspiration to us wherever we might find ourselves on our journey through life.
In the story of Acts we read how the risen Jesus meets his disciples one last time and instructs them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit, promising them the power to be his witnesses. As they watch, Jesus ascends into heaven, leaving them gazing upward. Two angels then appear, asking why they are still looking at the sky, and affirm that Jesus will return in the same manner he left.
1. As we reflect more deeply on this story, I believe that Firstly, it is a story that provides us with a Symbol of Transformation and Growth
The ascension can be interpreted as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation. Just as Jesus ascended to a higher state, so it speaks of our human potential to be elevated through learning, growth and development. This past week Wends and I watched the first episode of the new series of the piano where pianists from the Manchester area were invited to perform in the Manchester station. Seeing a wide variety of people, young and old, expressing themselves on the piano and displaying their musical giftedness was a reminder of the enormous potential that lies in every human being. God has planted seeds of infinite potential in each of us. And just as a pianist needs to devote themselves to practising in order to increase and raise their musicality and piano playing skills our time spent here on earth should surely be more than just about survival and getting through each day. Our time here on earth is surely God’s invitation to each of us to begin to tap into the potential that lies within, raising our life-state. As Bryant McGill writes: Your entire life has unfolded for your heart’s ascension to Love. And in this passage today, this is symbolised by the ascension of Jesus. As Jesus in the story is lifted on a cloud into heaven, so we are invited into a journey of continuous self-discovery as striving, by the grace of God, towards our fullest potential, being raised and lifted up to be bearers of God’s life in the world.
2. Secondly, the story of the ascension invites us to reflect on the importance of Letting Go and Moving Forward:
In the story of the ascension, in order to ascend, Jesus must be willing to let go of a former earth bound existence. It is perhaps a reminder that at some point all of us will need to let go of our earthbound existence. As they say, the only two things that you can be sure of in life are death and taxes. When it comes to our taxes, we all need to be willing to let go of a certain portion of our income that it might be used, hopefully with wisdom and care, for the common good. When it comes to death, there will come a point in which each of us will need to let go of our earthly existence. Whether we believe in an afterlife or not, when we release our final breath, it will surely be a profound act of letting go, for in that moment we will need to let go of everything we have owned, every role we have played, every relationship we have valued and nurtured. In that moment of our final breath we will all be forced to let go of everything we have held onto for our security and our sense of identity in this world.
The ascension of Jesus is surely a symbol of this. In order to ascend, he needs to let go. He needs to let go of his earthly existence. He needs to let go of all those he has loved and treasured. He needs to let go of his ministry and he has to entrust all of these things into the hands of the Higher Wisdom of God. Will his mission on earth continue? Who knows… he has to let go. The disciples also need to be willing to let go of the one with whom they had shared their lives. The departure of Jesus is a moment of change for them too. From this moment on, their lives will not be the same. It will be for them a moment of growth for they will no longer be able to relate to and rely on Jesus in the same way.
And so the act of ascension requires the letting go of the familiar and moving towards the unknown. It is an invitation to all of us in whatever the circumstances of our lives to embrace change, leaving behind old patterns or limitations, and embracing new possibilities. It encourages each of us to courageously step out of our comfort zones and embark on new adventures or challenges into the vast unknown. None of us is able to embrace something new, unless we are ready and willing to let go of the old.
3. Thirdly the story of the ascension is a story that speaks of Legacy and Impact:
Jesus' departure and the disciples' commissioning to continue his work can be seen as a reminder of the importance of leaving a positive impact on the world. Regardless of one's beliefs about Jesus, the idea of leaving behind a legacy of kindness, compassion, and service to others is universally meaningful. It prompts reflection on how each of us can contribute to making the world a better place. When it comes time for us to depart, what will it be that each of us will leave behind? Will we like Jesus leave behind a legacy of kindness, compassion and service to others?
4. Fourthly, the story of the ascension invites us to reflect on the values of Community and Connection:
The disciples' gathering together around Jesus at the moment of his ascension highlights the power of community and human connection. And after Jesus has left them, we see them continuing to do so, continuing to meet together. It underscores the significance of supporting one another, sharing experiences, and finding strength in unity and in community. It reminds each of us of the importance of building meaningful relationships, fostering empathy, and creating a sense of belonging in our communities.
5. Fifthly, the story of the Ascension is a story of Hope and Possibility:
Near the end of the narrative, after Jesus has ascended two angels appear saying:
“Men of Galilee, why do you stand there looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
The promise of Jesus' return can symbolize hope and optimism for the future. It reminds us that even in the face of uncertainty or challenges, there is always the potential for renewal, growth, and positive change. Just as the resurrection reminds us that the cross is not the end of the story, so the promise of Christ’s return, however one conceives of that, reminds us that cruelty, hatred, inhumanity and despair are not how the story of life ends. It encourages individuals to maintain a sense of hopefulness and resilience, believing in the possibility of a brighter tomorrow even in the darkest days. And because of this, like the disciples who are asked why they are looking up into the sky, so we are encouraged not to be so heavenly minded that we become no earthly good. If there is hope and possibility for the future, if Jesus is ‘to come again’, at the very least it will surely also be through each of us as we continue in this world watering the seeds of love, kindness, compassion and joy, as we pour our energies into not only our own growth and transformation, but as we do the same for others, helping, inspiring, lifting others up to become people of the ascension, ascending to new heights of possibility in their own lives as the seeds of Divine potential that God has placed within them and us are able to grow like a plant in spring growing up towards the sun, preparing to bear fruit in the world.
“People of Galilee, why do you stand there looking into the sky?”
As Elizabeth Gilbert writes - “There’s always another level up. There’s always another ascension. More grace, more light, more generosity, more compassion, more to shed, more to grow”. Amen.